Solway - what we are and are not…

Do you ever think about what your business is not, as well as what it is?

We do. It’s a really important part of our story.

Because by bringing new nuclear to the very place where its heritage is founded, we know we face some preconceived ideas about what Solway Community Power Company will do.

Many of those inevitable assumptions may prove misplaced to some degree.

We are not creating a nuclear mega-project that will in itself create lots of jobs in its build and operation. Nor are we dealing with the cost and schedule risks associated with that kind of new-build.

Rather, we are deploying a low-risk nuclear project to enable a transformation programme in this region – as our CEO, Paul Foster, explained to the delegates at the Britain’s Energy Coast Business Cluster last week.

Paul explained: “When we first started talking about bringing new nuclear in the area, my questions were about what it could do for the community. Is it just about getting more nuclear jobs, or can we get something more from it?

“Yes, the power could go back to the grid. But, also, the power could be used locally. The whole point of this is to ask: what can you do with a surplus of clean energy for 60 years? What can it do for you economically AND socially?

“For example, using that sustainable and always-on power to attract other industries could mean Cumbria becomes a hub for new sectors – such as hydrogen, batteries, big data, smart farming.

“These new opportunities help us answer some other big questions – how do we create jobs that address inequality, for example? How do we make those jobs far more inclusive? How do we change the skills agenda? This is a catalyst for what Cumbria wants for itself, economically and socially.”

Solway CPC owns the nuclear project – but we are clear that the community owns the transformation programme it enables.

Expect to see lots more about this in the coming weeks and months as we engage the community on this big vision, but we would like to extend an invitation to you right now…

If you would like to be part of the more detailed conversation about this, to any small or large degree, and whatever your role or interest in the region, please comment here to express your interest. We’ll be in touch! Thank you.


Thoughts from the NIA Dinner


Spring Budget ‘23